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About the blog
My family lives for Shabbat. Each week it holds promise of surprise, guests, tantalizing conversation, and sharing. With COVID plaguing us guests were out of the question and this became a game changer. What was going to spark the conversation or the surprise? How would we continue to share Shabbat with others when forced to be apart?
At first we began making larger batches of challah. My girls would come home and then take down the addresses, and with my phone to guide them, go deliver the challah on their bicycles. This certainly carried excitement and sharing, as well as pride and a healthy sense of independence.
Yet as winter brought darkness and cold, again, I found myself asking the question all over again. As the girls began to share bits of the parasha, I decided to weave my passion for the parasha with my lifelong propensity to create in the kitchen. Voila! Shabbat became a game and carried that sense of surprise along with a tasty window into the Torah! I hope you enjoy and this offers a bit of excitement and specialness to your Shabbat.